Fish parcels with new potatoes / Pesce al cartoccio con patate novelle


What did Trota expect when she instructed Fidget to put the ingredients for this recipe in baking paper and “make a parcel” with it? Well, in the cartoon kitchen you should never assume, and here’s the proof: Fidget turned up with all the ingredients, true – but beautifully wrapped up in brown paper, neatly tied and stamped, wax seals and all… Continue reading

Sweet peppers and salmon the Ottolenghi way

Sweet, pointed, red peppers… Although his name brings to mind Middle-Eastern dips and tagines, if we go by the number of recipes in which romano peppers are used, there’s no doubting this is Ottolenghi’s favourite vegetable.


Inspired by Ottolenghi: The Cookbook, this has to be Fidget’s favourite recipe… Continue reading