Roasted romano peppers

roasted romano peppers

Fresh from a few days in sun-kissed Italy, and reflecting on some colourful local traditions, Fidget got a bit carried away with the sweet peppers.

Roasted romano peppers

roasted romano peppers
Well, perhaps he can be excused as this is one of his true favourites. And never one to disappoint, Trota got 4 sweet romano peppers, drizzled them with olive oil and roasted them in the oven until the skin was charred and easy to peel off. It took about 40min on 200°/gas 6, and the peppers were turned halfway through the cooking time. When the skin is charred, blistered and can be peeled off easily, they are ready. Rest on a plate covered in cling film (this will make it easier to remove the skin).

Reserve the cooking juices and – when the peppers have cooled – remove the skin and the seeds and shred in 1cm strips lengthways. Place the peppers in a bowl with 2 cloves of garlic (sliced) and the peppers’ cooking juices. Add olive oil, to taste. Cover in cling film and let it rest for about an hour before serving.

Delicious as a starter, served with some nice fresh crusty bread, slightly grilled. This really is a blast of sunshine, like being in an open-top car with the wind in your fur – with or without those lucky charms dangling from your rear-view mirror…