The one-pot meal

one-pot meal
Put everything in the pan, let it cook for two hours, take out and serve. That’s it.

The one-pot meal

one-pot meal
You’ll probably not be surprised to learn that Salmon has been a life-long advocate of the one-pot meal. So today Trota has allowed him a once-in-a-weekend opportunity to be king in the kitchen and to prove he is worth his salt.

For this dish Salmon has chosen shoulder of lamb (bone in) to be served with mixed vegetables. You will need, well… ½ shoulder of lamb, potatoes, carrots, leeks, garlic, olive oil and a sprig of rosemary.

Wash and cut your potatoes and carrots, put them in an ovenproof pan together with the lamb, the garlic, olive oil and a sprig of rosemary. Cook in the oven at 180°/gas 4 for about two hours (while you listen to the radio).

For the observant and the one-pot purists, Salmon has to come clean on something: he served leeks with this dish, which he cooked separately. He trimmed them in 3cm pieces, steamed them for 10min or so and sprinkled with lemon juice.

When the lamb is cooked (it should be tender and falling off the bone at that point), serve with side vegetables and the steamed leaks. What could be easier, or more delicious, he says.

And better yet, no need to fill the sink with loads of washing up. A note of caution, though: beware the media chefs who call a recipe a one-pot and you find it takes a roomful of pots, pans, implements and assistants to prepare.

Anyway, Salmon doesn’t get much quality time in the kitchen, as you know. Do you think he should cook more often?