New Hair Resolution…

New Year Resolution New Hairstyle

Hang on, did we get this wrong? 

New Hair Resolution…

New Year Resolution Raw Food

Well, it is that time of year again…

So, alongside Salmon discovering his ‘new me’, there will be some eyebrow definition and other ‘nips and tucks’ to reveal for Trota in the coming weeks. Oh yes, the intrepid trio are embracing the new year with gusto – not least Fidget who, more determined than ever in his anti-pancia pursuits, is poised to present a selection of healthy and tantalising meals.

This week, following their Christmas indulgences, the Rowes have gone all raw-foodist: a nice ripe avocado, some salad leaves, sprinkle of pine nuts, drizzle of olive oil and tasty Mediterranean bread…heaven on a plate! Not sure how long it’s going to last, but you can’t blame them for trying.  And please feel free to write in with any lifestyle and fashion advice: it looks like someone’s going to need plenty of it in the brave new world…