Langues de chat / Cat’s tongue chocolate-dipped biscuits / Lingue di gatto

Langues de chat / Cat’s tongue chocolate-dipped biscuits / Lingue di gatto

The season of goodwill clearly over, Fidget and Fluffy have reverted to type and resumed their traditional feuding…

Langues de chat / Cat’s tongue chocolate-dipped biscuits / Lingue di gatto

Langues de chat / Cat’s tongue chocolate-dipped biscuits / Lingue di gatto

… so much so that Trota and Salmon decided to have a word with next door: no way were they going to have Fluffy sticking out the tongue to Fidget unchallenged.

In fact the poor sensitive hound was so upset that Trota thought she’d make amends with this delicious petits-fours treat. Hm… Anyway, the original recipe comes from Michel Roux’ Desserts (p.266); it’s also a good way to use up any leftover egg whites you might have from recipes that use only yolks.

The ingredients: 125g butter softened, 125g sugar, 25g ground almonds, 3 egg whites, 165g flour, the scraped out seeds of a vanilla pod, 200g good quality 85% chocolate.

In a bowl, using an electric gadget, beat the butter with most of the sugar then sift in the ground almonds and the remaining sugar. Incorporate the egg whites one at a time, then sift in the flour and add the vanilla seeds. Cover the bowl and set aside for 20–30min.

Pre-heat the oven to 190°/gas 5. Transfer the mixture to a pastry bag with a 1cm plain tip and – on a tray lined with baking paper – pipe 5–6cm long ‘fingers’, leaving at least 2cm between each one. Bake for about 5min until lightly coloured then, using a palette knife, transfer the langues to a wire rack to cool.

Next, melt the chocolate in a small bowl (use the microwave in short bursts) and dip the base and one tip of each biscuit into the chocolate to coat. Lay flat on baking parchment until set. Best served with a nice cup of coffee.

Ooh la la…elles sont délicieuses! You see, Fidget, cat’s tongues can be beautiful after all…